Cost Card Property Data
STRAP: 03-45-26-03-00019.0200  Folio ID: 10467066
Generated on 9/20/2024 6:21 PM
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4218 24TH ST SW
Property Description
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View Recorded Plat at - Use this link to do an Official Records search on the Lee County Clerk of Courts website, using 15 and 95 for the book and page numbers.
Attributes and Location Details
Total Bedrooms / Bathrooms 0
1st Year Building on Tax Roll 1st year on the tax roll information N/A
Historic Designation No

Township Range Section Block Lot
45 26E 03 00019 0200
Municipality Latitude Longitude
Lee County Unincorporated - 0 26.59068 -81.70994

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Hide Property Values / Exemptions / TRIM Notices Property Values / Exemptions / TRIM Notices
Generated on 9/20/2024 6:21 PM
No existing exemptions found for this property.

TRIM Notices Tax YearJustLandMarket AssessedCapped AssessedExemptionsClassified UseTaxable
2024 / Additional Info 2024 (TRIM)17,34617,34617,3467,046007,046
2023 / Additional Info 2023 (Final Value)15,19115,19115,1916,405006,405
2022 / Additional Info 2022 (Final Value)10,12810,12810,1285,823005,823
2021 / Additional Info 2021 (Final Value)6,0006,0006,0005,294005,294
2020 / Additional Info 2020 (Final Value)5,0005,0005,0004,813004,813
2019 / Additional Info 2019 (Final Value)4,7004,7004,7004,375004,375
2018 / Additional Info 2018 (Final Value)4,4004,4004,4003,977003,977
2017 / Additional Info 2017 (Final Value)4,0384,0384,0383,615003,615
2016 2016 (Final Value)3,8003,8003,8003,286003,286
2015 2015 (Final Value)3,3603,3603,3602,987002,987
2014 2014 (Final Value)2,7152,7152,7152,715002,715
2013 2013 (Final Value)2,7002,7002,7002,640002,640
2012 2012 (Final Value)2,4002,4002,4002,400002,400
2011 2011 (Final Value)2,5002,5002,5002,500002,500
2010 2010 (Final Value)3,0003,0003,0003,000003,000
2009 (Final Value)4,5004,5004,5004,500004,500
2008 (Final Value)11,20011,20011,20011,2000011,200
2007 (Final Value)22,20022,200022,2000022,200
2006 (Final Value)42,00042,000042,0000042,000
2005 (Final Value)20,00020,000020,0000020,000
2004 (Final Value)3,3003,30003,300003,300
2003 (Final Value)1,1001,10001,100001,100
2002 (Final Value)900900090000900

The Just value is the total parcel assessment (less any considerations for the cost of sale). This is the closest value to Fair Market Value we produce and is dated as of January 1st of the tax year in question (F.A.C. 12D-1.002).

The Land value is the portion of the total parcel assessment attributed to the land.

The Market Assessed value is the total parcel assessment (less any considerations for the cost of sale) based upon the assessment standard. Most parcels are assessed based either upon the Highest and Best Use standard or the Present Use standard (F.S. 193.011) . For Agriculturally Classified parcels (or parts thereof), only agricultural uses are considered in the assessment (F.S. 193.461 (6) (a)). The difference between the Highest and Best Use/Present Use and the Agricultural Use is often referred to as the Agricultural Exemption.
(i.e. Market Assessed = Just - Agricultural Exemption)

The Capped Assessed value is the Market Assessment after any Save Our Homes or 10% Assessment Limitation cap is applied. This assessment cap is applied to all properties and limits year-to-year assessment increases to either the Consumer Price Index or 3%, whichever is lower for Homestead properties OR 10% for non-Homestead properties.

The Exemptions value is the total amount of all exemptions on the parcel.

The Taxable value is the Capped Assessment after exemptions (Homestead, etc.) are applied to it. This is the value that most taxing authorities use to calculate a parcel's taxes.
(i.e. Taxable = Capped Assessed - Exemptions)

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Generated on 9/20/2024 6:21 PM
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Land Tracts
Use Code Use Code Description Number of Units Unit of Measure
0 Vacant Residential 1.00 Lot
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Generated on 9/20/2024 6:21 PM