Cost Card Property Data
STRAP: 36-47-25-B1-01400.0280  Folio ID: 10294147
Generated on 9/20/2024 9:08 PM
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Property Description
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BONITA FARMS PB 3 PG 27 BEG AT SE COR LOT 5 TH N 894.45 FT TO POB N 150 FT W 166.43 FT S 150 FT E 166.43 FT TO POB AKA LOTS 28 + 29 + N 1/2 OF LOT 27 + LESS N 50 FT OF LOT 29
View Recorded Plat at - Use this link to do an Official Records search on the Lee County Clerk of Courts website, using 3 and 27 for the book and page numbers.
Attributes and Location Details
Total Bedrooms / Bathrooms 4 / 2.0
Gross Living Area Gross Living Area Information 1,610
1st Year Building on Tax Roll 1st year on the tax roll information 1972
Historic Designation No

Township Range Section Block Lot
47 25E 36 01400 0280
Municipality Latitude Longitude
City of Bonita Springs 26.34465 -81.76819

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Last Inspection Date: 09/25/2018
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071C 0657 G 11/17/2022 A
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