Cost Card Property Data
STRAP: 17-46-26-L4-09000.2680  Folio ID: 10590716
Note - This parcel is inactive. See the Parcel Numbering History section below to view the active parcel number.
Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
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View Recorded Plat at - Use this link to view recorded plat information on the Lee County Clerk of Courts website.
Attributes and Location Details
Total Bedrooms / Bathrooms N/A
1st Year Building on Tax Roll 1st year on the tax roll information N/A
Historic Designation N/A

Township Range Section Block Lot
N/A N/A N/A 09000 2680
Municipality Latitude Longitude
Lee County Unincorporated - L (Newer Subdivisions) 26.46676 -81.73842

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Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
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Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
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Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
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Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
Hide Parcel Renumber Information Parcel Numbering History What's This
Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
Prior STRAP Prior Folio ID Renumber Reason Renumber Date
08-46-26-L3-U2700.2914 10586104 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
17-46-26-L1-070F1.0010 10585546 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
17-46-26-L1-070F1.0010 10589731 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
17-46-26-L1-070F1.001A 10589732 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
17-46-26-L1-070F1.001B 10589733 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
17-46-26-L4-U2635.2787 10586100 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
17-46-26-L4-U2635.2787 10589744 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
18-46-26-L1-U2607.2837 10589734 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
18-46-26-L1-U2607.2837 10589742 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
18-46-26-L3-U2589.2751 10589735 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
18-46-26-L3-U2591.2744 10589736 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 03/26/2019
07-46-26-L3-12000.1160 10596278 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
07-46-26-L3-12000.1170 10596279 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
07-46-26-L3-12000.1180 10596280 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
07-46-26-L3-12000.1190 10596281 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
07-46-26-L3-12000.1200 10596282 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
07-46-26-L3-12000.1210 10596283 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
07-46-26-L3-12000.1220 10596284 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
07-46-26-L3-12000.1230 10596285 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
08-46-26-L3-120F1.0000 10596286 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.000A 10596277 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.1120 N/A Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.1130 N/A Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.1140 N/A Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.1150 N/A Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.2450 10596291 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.2460 10596292 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.2470 10596293 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.2480 10596294 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.2490 10596295 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-12000.2500 10596296 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L1-120L1.0000 10596297 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2270 10596298 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2280 10596299 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2290 10596300 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2330 10596301 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2340 10596302 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2350 10596303 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2360 10596304 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2370 10596305 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2380 10596306 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2390 10596307 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2400 10596308 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2410 10596309 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2420 10596310 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2430 10596311 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2440 10596312 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2510 10596313 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2520 10596314 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2530 10596315 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2540 10596316 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2550 10596317 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2560 10596318 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2570 10596319 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2580 10596320 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2590 10596321 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2600 10596322 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2610 10596323 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2620 10596324 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2630 10596325 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2640 10596326 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2650 10596327 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2660 10596328 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2670 10596329 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2680 10596330 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2690 10596331 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2700 10596332 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2710 10596333 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
17-46-26-L4-12000.2720 10596334 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1240 10596335 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1250 10596336 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1260 10596337 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1270 10596338 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1280 10596339 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1290 10596340 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1300 10596341 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1310 10596342 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L1-12000.1320 10596343 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L3-12000.2200 10596344 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L3-12000.2210 10596345 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L3-12000.2220 10596346 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L3-12000.2300 10596347 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L3-12000.2310 10596348 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
18-46-26-L3-12000.2320 10596349 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 01/15/2020
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Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
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Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM
Generated on 6/14/2024 1:50 PM