Cost Card Property Data
STRAP: 08-45-26-00-00001.2000  Folio ID: 10345315
Note - This parcel is inactive. See the Parcel Numbering History section below to view the active parcel number.
Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM
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Property Description
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PARL IN SW 1/4 OF SEC 08 + NW 1/4 OF SEC 17 AKA PARCEL 2-A + PARCEL 2-AA AS DESC IN INST#2010000135728
Attributes and Location Details
Total Bedrooms / Bathrooms N/A
1st Year Building on Tax Roll 1st year on the tax roll information N/A
Historic Designation N/A

Township Range Section Block Lot
Municipality Latitude Longitude
Lee County Unincorporated - 0 26.57107 -81.73992

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Last Inspection Date: 10/02/2013
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Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM
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Land Tracts
Use Code Use Code Description Number of Units Unit of Measure
9900 Acreage, Non-Agricultural 12.52 Acres
9660 Resource Protect., Wetlands, Preserve, Cypress Head 17.55 Acres
Show Taxing Authorities Taxing Authorities
Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM
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Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM
Hide Parcel Renumber Information Parcel Numbering History What's This
Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM
Prior STRAP Prior Folio ID Renumber Reason Renumber Date
08-45-26-00-00001.0000 10345309 Split (From another Parcel) N/A
08-45-26-00-00001.2010 10345316 Combined (With another parcel-Delete Occurs) 09/01/2010
08-45-26-27-00000.0010 10566388 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0020 10566389 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0030 10566390 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0040 10566391 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0050 10566392 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0060 10566393 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0070 10566394 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0080 10566395 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0090 10566396 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0100 10566397 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0110 10566398 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0120 10566399 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0130 10566400 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0140 10566401 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0150 10566402 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0160 10566403 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0170 10566404 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0180 10566405 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0190 10566406 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0200 10566407 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0210 10566408 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0220 10566409 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0230 10566410 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0240 10566411 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0250 10566412 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0260 10566413 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0270 10566414 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0280 10566415 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0290 10566416 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0300 10566417 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0310 10566418 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0320 10566419 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0330 10566420 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0340 10566421 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0350 10566422 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0360 10566423 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0370 10566424 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0380 10566425 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0390 10566426 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0400 10566427 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0410 10566428 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0420 10566429 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-00000.0430 10566430 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-0000L.0010 10566431 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-0000L.0020 10566432 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-0000C.0000 10566433 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-0000R.00CE 10566434 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-0000B.01CE 10566435 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-0000B.02CE 10566436 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
08-45-26-27-0000O.00CE 10566437 Split (From another parcel - Delete Occurs 08/07/2014
Show Garbage Details Solid Waste (Garbage) Roll Data
Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM
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Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM
Generated on 6/14/2024 3:27 AM